Howloscream 2018 Preview
The end of September comes around and every haunt fan knows what that means. The scare parks are open for business and the creatures of the night come out to frighten you as much as they can. Can you take it or do you pee your pants? Do you even dare arrive? Howloscream comes to us in 2018 and sure to bring new surprises and old scares that will never die.
Here is a preview and my feelings as to what will good and great:
Now no scare park can be called a scare park unless there are haunted houses, and Howloscream brings you 6 of them.
NEW!!!! Insomnia
Every door in this haunted asylum leads to your worst nightmare and the doctor is accepting new patients. Have your fears turn into fate as this reality comes to life. Patients will be forced to stay awake as they receive twisted treatments from demented doctors. There are no cures for the curses inside this hospital from hell.
I have always liked the backdrop and settings of the past asylum/prison style houses. Sadly the scares were not there to complement the setting. The creators seem to have steadily improved houses the past few years, so I have high high expectations for this one.
NEW!!!! Simon’s Slaughterhouse
By merely stepping inside, you have agreed to play Simon’s sick and twisted games. Entering this horrifying realm requires a journey through the Meat Market where cannibalistic creatures feast on the weak as they add to their Monster Menu of human hors d’oeuvres.
The mama’s recipe houses have always been good to me the past couple of years. So Simon’s Slaughterhouse should build on that. I really like they have a house of extremity to recommend 17 and older. I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS ONE!!!!
The Black Spot
An infamous pirate has marked you for death and he has you right where he wants you.
This house was surprisingly nice to experience last year. I cannot wait to see how it is improved upon.
Death Water Bayou
Escape the depth of the Bayou before you fall victim to the Voodoo Queen’s spell.
A classic I was surprised to see return for another year. A welcome surprise. I always enjoyed this house from year one and will enjoy it til it’s final year. Always a must see.
A centuries old house has been unearthed, unleashing a vengeful demon seeking revenge.
A house under the old Gwazi is just awesome. The scares were not there last year as in previous years, but the eeriness of the location makes it a must to visit. It will be better though, I have confidence.
Motel Hell
In a deserted hotel, the Sandman waits to make your worst nightmares a reality.
This year promises scares throughout the park. Not even the rides are safe from the evil that lurks Howloscream. The NEW zones this year are…..
MEAT MARKET (17 and over recommended)
Fiends stay in the Stanleyville Theater this year as the creatures of the night will keep you laughing wit the satire, dancing with the pulse pounding music, and watching …. well … THE NURSES, OF COURSE.
Howloscream promises to have a big year and I look forward to experiencing it the first night and letting you all know my official review of the Halloween Haunt for 2018.
The Thrill Freak
David “Thrills” is an avid enthusiast of thrill parks and entertainment activities in the Tampa Bay Area. Be sure to follow me on twitter @TheThrillfreak for live tweets, Snapchat @thethrillfreak for that special exciting memory, and instagram @thrillfreak just or email me at if you have any questions or concerns. Pictures and logos are property of Busch Gardens.