
Terrier Tri Grand Opens Spinning Away

Terrier Tri is not just any old spin cycle class. Terrier Tri turns a lifestyle into training and fun for both the triathlon looking to train for their next meet, or just a person that wants to work out on their bike and needs that extra push. Robert (Bob) Pennino has mastered the skill to help each individuals into what their goal may be and helping them accomplish that goal.

I showed up for a media 45 minute class, without riding a bicycle in over 8 years. My expectation was ….. just please do not quit. Being surrounded by many others in the class, some wearing competition gear, others looking like they are ready for the ride of their lives, and then a couple of us just not getting comfy on our seats. Bob sees and recognizes that and uses that knowledge for the session. What turned to be a 1 hour session I accomplished more than I would even dream of, and was called out by more than once. Talking with him post-ride Bob told me he knew calling me out would motivate me, hence, he chose to do so (and he is correct).

This is just a sample of why Terrier Tri looks to be a premiere spot for any of your spinning needs. You can even bring your own bike into the place and use that for the workout or one of the many the establishment has for their use. With Bob’s 15 years of experience and the very detailed computers used during the sessions, the goals set out can be accomplished.

Memberships are priced well in relation to the competition at $99/month and the business looks to be a more intimate, family feel. Instead of 50-100 riding spots there is only around 20. This allows the trainers to work with you as needed during the sessions. I did get off with a sore butt, but I will do it again. Bob is forthwith in saying “Give me 3 sessions before you say no.” He will get two more sessions from me and possibly more in my goal of building my endurance for my running of OCR’s like the Tough Mudder and Savage Race.

Call Terrier Tri at 813-520-1375 and give them a try (at least 3 times). I am sure you will not regret it as I did not regret my hour long foray into it myself.

David “Thrills”
The Thrill Freak @TampaAmazeMe

Robert and Thomas “Twinspeak”

David “Thrills” is an avid enthusiast of thrill parks and entertainment activities in the Tampa Bay Area. Be sure to follow me on instagram or twitter for live updates or email me at tampathrillme@gmail.com for any questions or concerns. “Twinspeak” are twin boys that love to enjoy and review entertainment activities and give you the “youth” review on such event.